Then he started to cry again, declaring, "I'm still hungry." "But I have no more food to give you; you ate everything I had." "Really, nothing -- nothing at all!?" demanded the marionette. "I only have these three cores and these skins left over." "Very well, then," said Pinocchio, "if there is nothing else, I guess I'll have to eat them." At first he made a disgusted-looking face, but, one after another, the skins and the cores disappeared into his mouth. "Ah! Now I feel fine!" he said after finishing the last one. "You see," observed Geppetto, "that I was right when I told you that you shouldn't be too fussy and too dainty about food. My dear, we never know what life may have in store for us!" But the marionette, as soon as his belly was full of pears and he didn't have to think about being hungry any more, started to grumble that he wanted a new pair of feet. But Geppetto, in order to punish him for all his mischief, let him alone the whole morning. After dinner, when Pinocchio still complained about his missing feet, the old man said to him: "Why should I make your feet over again? If I do, I'm likely to see you run away from home once more."